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Incorporating a Business/Starting a Business

If you’re thinking of incorporating or starting a business, you’ve come to the right place. Our business incorporation lawyers specialize in start-ups and moving small businesses, of all industries, off the ground.

First, we determine the type of business entity to operate your business through. Business entities include incorporated corporations, partnerships, limited liability partnerships, joint ventures, and sole proprietorships.

Is Incorporation Right for You?

Not always. With our combined tax and corporate experience, we recommend the most suitable business structure that minimizes your tax to the CRA.

If incorporation is right for you, our business incorporation lawyers will structure your corporation to optimize corporate tax planning opportunities. This may include several corporations of operating and holding companies. Or it may include a family trust holding the shares of the operating company. Importantly however, we set up all of our corporations to take advantage of income splitting and dividend sprinkling between spouses. Despite what you’ve heard, these tax planning tools are still available post January 2018. For more information on income splitting, read our article here.

If we determine incorporation is not necessary nor advantageous for tax reasons, we establish a partnership, sole proprietorship or joint venture to house your business structure.

Licenses and Permits

After the legal structure of your business is determined and created, we apply for the requisite licenses and permits required of your business.

CRA Tax Registration

Our business start-up package includes registration with the CRA for all three tax accounts that you need to run your business.

Banking and Accounting

Finally, we ensure that your new business is firmly established with corporate bank accounts and an excellent accountant.

Why Kalfa Law Firm

We don’t just incorporate. We tax plan. We also ensure that your business is firmly established with accounts and registrations. In this way, we see you through the business startup process from conception to finalization.

Unlike other corporate lawyers, we care about your business. We ensure that your business is set up for success. We want you to dominate your market, and we want you to pay as little tax while doing so. With years of experience in corporate and tax law, Kalfa Law Firm is the corporate law firm for your business start-up and structuring needs.

Starting a business? We’re Here to Help™


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