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Commercial Financing – Private Equity or Financial Institutional Funding

Does your business require a capital infusion or seed financing? Perhaps you need a a bank loan or line of credit (LOC) to acquire a new business or you want to purchase new equipment or inventory for your existing business. You may already be in talks with a major financial institution or private equity funds regarding commercial financing.

Most large financial institutions and lenders require you to obtain independent legal advice before you sign the loan documentation. The loan will likely require a variety of General Security Agreements (GSA), personal guarantees and Personal Property and Security Act (PPSA) registrations against your business or personal assets. The lender may even require registration against real property in the form of a collateral secured home line of credit or second mortgage on your corporate or residential real property.

Why Do You Need a Lawyer?

These financing and security documents must be reviewed by counsel in order to identify the rights and obligations of each party and inform you of the risks and benefits of the loan. You may want to know how you exit or what happens if you default on a payment.

We can help. Our strategic advice and recommendations regarding the structuring of transactions helps minimize risks for both institutional and private lenders. We also advise borrowers on their individual financing requirements, negotiate terms of loans and security documents, and seamlessly facilitate financing transactions between lenders and borrowers.

With years of experience in commercial transactions, Kalfa Law Firm is your perfect partner for all your business and financing needs.

Need to borrow or loan funds? We’re Here to Help™



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