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Purchase of a Business

When it’s time to expand your business horizons through the acquisition of a new business, you need a partner who understands the intricacies of Private M&A law. At Kalfa Law Firm, we specialize in guiding you through the purchase of a business, ensuring that every decision you make contributes to your success.

Target Identification

We assist you in identifying and evaluating potential business targets that align with your strategic objectives.

Due Diligence

Our meticulous due diligence process uncovers crucial information about the target company, such as its ownership structure, its liens, encumbrances, writs of execution or potential litigation.

Deal Structuring

We help you structure the transaction in a way that maximizes your financial and operational advantages. When acting on the purchase-side, we prefer an asset acquisition as opposed to a share acquisition such that we are procuring only those valuable assets we wish to acquire while leaving the liabilities behind. This is typically achieved by incorporating a new corporation to house the purchased assets acquired from its target.


Most often, a purchaser will require commercial financing to complete the transaction. Once a commitment letter has been obtained from a financial institution, we will assist in the facilitation of that funding, satisfying lending conditions and coordinating the transaction with funds flowing through our trust account in order to close.

Regulatory Compliance and Third Party Consents

We guide you through the complex landscape of regulatory requirements and third party consents including governmental, franchisor and landlord consent, ensuring we have the requisite authority to complete the purchase.

Closing and Integration

We manage the closing process and support you through the integration phase, ensuring a seamless transition in the acquired business.

Acquiring a business is a significant milestone. At Kalfa Law Firm we’re dedicated to making your acquisition journey strategically sound and legally secure while minimizing risk.


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