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Business Advisory

Our small business lawyers advise businesses on a variety of matters that small business owners invariably encounter. These include employment and independent contractor structures, tax deductions, guidance on hiring and firing employees, and registration for WSIB and payroll taxes. We also provide guidance on starting a small business, buying a selling a business, small business contracts, loan agreements, and how to maximize tax savings if your small business is operated from your home.

Corporate Tax Deductions and Compliance

Our small business lawyers advise businesses on tax deductions that are available for both the business owners and employees. Our business law team will guide businesses with filing their T2200s so that sales and home-based employees can claim business use-of-home expenses, allowing for deductions, such as heat, electricity, insurance, maintenance, mortgage interest and property taxes.

We assist employees with filing T777s, a Statement of Employment Expenses, meant for certain commission employees, certain salaried employees and some employees who work from home. This form indicates expenses beyond those determined as business use-of-home (T2200s), including, parking, food, trade tools, advertising, and motor vehicle expenses.

We guide clients through business start-up government regulations, such as WSIB registration, as well as payroll and GST/HST registration and remittance, and guide employees in claiming employee GST/HST rebates if the expenses claimed included the GST or HST, and your employer is registered for GST/HST and has completed the GST370 tax form.

Tax Efficient Business Structures

Our lawyers specializing in small business establish subsidiary and parent corporations to create tax-efficient corporate structures for our clients and their family members including taking advantage of all available income splitting opportunities. Further, we advise businesses as to whether their employees qualify as independent contractors, thereby reducing both parties’ tax burdens.

To that end, we will prepare agreements, such as supplier and distribution agreements or inter-corporate loan agreements to establish tax-efficient business structures.

We’re Here to Help

Our business lawyers guide our clients through the web of corporate and tax logistics. With years of experience in corporate and commercial law, Kalfa Law Firm is your perfect partner for your business start-up and structuring needs.

Own a small business? We’re here to help™.


Tax Accounts and Filings for Small Businesses

GST/HST Registration

Payroll Tax Account

Tax Deductions

Employee Contracts

Buying and Selling a Business

Starting a Business


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